Bleacher Report: The site is primarily a collection of blogs. Anyone can write for bleacher report, so the blog posts tend to be biased, and may or may not be credible. I've read many good posts on the site, primarily ones that have been linked to the front page. I've also read a few blogs that give me the sense that they were written by a guy after a long, drunk day at the ball park.
Boston Dirt Dogs: You won't find much in the way of articles on the site, which is linked to The Boston Globe website. Instead, the site consists manly of terse, witty posts, which take jabs at many Boston rivals. The site also provides tracking for many former, and current, Boston players.

CelticsBlog: This is the primary site for Celtics blogging. I haven't read much from the site, but from the small sample I've read, I glean that, similar to Bleacher Report, there are some good blogs and some poor blogs on the site.
Deadspin: The site is similar to Bleacher Report, in that it allows pretty much anyone to comment. The site proclaims in its "Commentist Manifesto" that the first rule of writing for the site is "to be funny," and it is strictly moderated to keep it that way.
Onion Sports: The Onion obviously isn't known for its sports coverage, but the sports articles on here are actually pretty funny, albeit completely false.
Reiss's Pieces: Mike Reiss is a blogger for The Boston Globe. He writes on the Patriots, and while he doesn't often write the longest, or wittiest articles, he provides a lot of "in the locker room" information about that team, that isn't really available anywhere else.
Sons of Sam Horn: Originally dedicated only to the Red Sox, the site has since expanded to all teams in all sports. You won't find any articles on here, but it is a great site for discussion forums.
Sports Guy's World: Every Boston sports fan needs to know who Bill Simmons is. He is probably the most popular sports writer at ESPN, and while you will either love or hate him, because he is a complete homer, he is very funny, very relevant, and a great read.
True Hoop: In my opinion, this is one of the best daily running NBA blogs on the internet. It is highly credible, and can be found at ESPN.
WickedBruinsFan: I'm not very familiar with this blog. But from what I gather, it is pretty much the Bruins version of CelticsBlog. The writing on here is solid, informative, and provides information about a team many people in Boston have forgotten.
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